Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Just another say in paradise

The day dawned Brown today and the bush-Poodle might evolve into a bush-Doberman now. Not that I love one dog a little more and another a little less. Just that dogs should remain where they like to be- at the feet.

And since this one is not on dogs, Brown or otherwise, I will let it be.

An American manages to wolf down 5 Hamburgers per second and makes a world record. The skinny kid from Sudan could have done it too, with his big belly and all, only that Capitol Hill might raise a hue and cry about giving visas to skinny kids from Sudan when there are plenty of domestic hamburger-wolfers around. You know, the whole thing about protecting domestic jobs and all.

And since this one is not on Hills or hams, Capitol or otherwise, I will let it be.

The iPhone is out and Alan Johnston is going to be slaughtered. People are not morbid. Thank the Lord. Google with all its analytic truthfulness points out to that. Check out the number of times these two have been "Googled" for.

And since this one is not on people, morbid or materialistic, I will let it be otherwise.

After all, for me, it is just another say in paradise.


Shubhadeep said...

Que Sera, Sera !!!
Whatever will be will be...

So please mishu... Let it be...

bala said...

Hmm...very cool...have not seen so many topics dealt with in so little column length before! :)
Look forward to more says...though one can't quite imagine whether they come from paradise or somewhere less nice smelling!