Thursday, August 28, 2008

I am in love (yet again)! Sigh!

If you miss somebody so much that you wish you could rewind the day and change it so that you could be together again, does it mean that you are in love?

It has to be so. I decided not to bike to work today (the rain last night must have washed the road away, it is blazing today, blah blah) and hopped a ride with my flat-mate. It was alright for an hour. Then I started to squirm. After all, did that weak front tyre actually warrant that I leave the darling behind?

Another couple go by and I am actually obsessing. Sitting in front of my comp, all I can think is what a dratted fool I was not to bring it today. A heavy lunch with AR later, I know I would rot in calorie hell ( You would roast very nicely too, my my, all that fat!, a little red man seems to whisper in my head) as a reminder the next time I get such obscene impulses.

The priceless 'office day' ends, and I think I am going to die, finding an auto, telling him where I need to go to, that look on his face as he gives me the 'and you actually thought I would go there?' , my cursing and finally relenting and being robbed of my hard earned hardly any money.

I think I am going to fit an auto response device on my bike so that one press of a tiny button on a remote and my shiny red bike comes wizzing to my rescue a.k.a Bat Mobile.

PS: I think my bike would make the whistling noise that those bombs made as they were being dropped during the WW II from a B-52 (maybe? one hopes...) as it comes to my rescue.

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