Monday, February 4, 2008

Whoever is afraid of Gentle Giants?

Well, for one, Microsoft is or so it proclaims, though not in all black & white.

Why is Microsoft stoking the Yahoo fire?

Yahoo has not been able to recover lost ground with or without Jerry and Tom, being Tom, seemingly wants to take advantage of the situation. Does this deal also mean that Microsoft has finally woken up to the power of the Internet? Given Microsoft's penchant for monopoly, what will it do next if the deal is indeed through? Maybe IE 8 with Yahoo set as the default home page and unchangeable too?

Questions, questions everywhere and not an answer in sight anywhere!

In case the deal does happen and then fails miserably, who will be held responsible? Not Mr.Smart-Gates for one, as he will be far from the maddening mess by then.

So, what next? Google announcing one day the acquisition of Wikipedia Foundation?

After all, he who laughs last, laughs best!

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