Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Lessons for the time

Today is a proverbial "red letter day". Life has it's little ways. So much for all the talk about the flashes of insights when everything becomes clear and the mists clearing away. All that is a load of animal excrement.

It is more like life giving you little peeks into what things really are and then wanting you to piece it all together and before you realize it, there you have it, one of life's truths given unto you.

This is what happened to me today. So, for those who are yet to be given these little peek-a-boos', here is me, summing it all up neatly:

1. Life is never fair. When I say it is not fair, believe you me, it is REALLLLLLY not fair.
(Lesson to be learned here: Shut up and move it. There is not much you can do about it.)

2. If you think you can be the one to change it all, maybe you need to get a certain part of your anatomy to a hospital real quick as you have just been trampled all over and worse, you have not even realized it.
(Lesson to be learned here:You ought to pay more heed to Lesson 1.)

3. Everything goes on to be nice in the end, only in a)Books, b)movies and c)dead people's biographies. In your life, well, that is called life.
(Lesson to be learned here:Always remember Lesson 2 and consequentially, Lesson 1.)

PS: I hate saying "learned" instead of "learnt" but my spell - checker is currently set to "English/United States"