First things first, Shakespeare needs a whack on the head. The dude could not decide whether to love his women or hate 'em.(What else can you expect from the guy who came up with "to be or not to be" anyway?)
Without getting into all the sermons and the fights about the superiority of a particular gender or the lack of brains of another, my point is NOT that women are superior to men, but it is that women, definitely, are not inferior to men.
Women-bashing has always been a favorite bone to lick with men (and sometimes, other women too, I admit that).
Think what a Venusian would think if the only literature from Earth they could get their hands on would be Anna Karenina, Madame Bovary or Hamlet! Or even Gone with the Wind, or why, even a Wuthering Heights!
I am more than sure that their dictionary would read something like this-
Woman:A weepy creature prone to dependence for existence on a superior and an always-right species called Men. Comes in various flavors such as extra-wimpy(reference:Hamlet), extra-slutty(reference:Gone with the Wind) or even extra-tragic(reference:Anna Karenina).
On the other hand, I say bully for Scarlet O'Hara and her willingness to do anything to ensure her survival, bully for Madame Bovary and her love of fun!
And for all those men sneering at women and shoes, hah! U dont just have the brains to meet the right kind! After all, who would want to obsess about just shoes when you have tons of others to obsess after too?Hasn't "Do not put all eggs in one basket" been a kind of been-long-around thing by now?